SP4K - Free Program

Rock-a-bye offers enrollment for four-year-olds in the Free 4k program through the Sun Prairie School District.
The SP4K program is guided by curriculum and early learning standards and provides a play-based environment that supports student growth in a variety of age-appropriate, developmental skill areas.
In addition, 4K students practice routines and learning behaviors that will support the transition to kindergarten.
Who can participate?
Any child who is four years old on or before September 1st. A four-year-old who resides outside the district can apply through the Open Enrollment process IF his/her home district offers a DPI approved four-year-old kindergarten program.
What is the program cost to families?
There is no cost. Families who require additional childcare services may wish to enroll in wrap-around care at the childcare sites that offer the SP4K program.
Where will the program be held?
Classes will be held at partner childcare sites/preschools and district elementary school(s) five days a week for approximately 2.5 hours each day.
What are the times for each day?
Students may attend in the morning or the afternoon.
Morning classes: 7:50 a.m. - 10:33 a.m. (M-F)
Afternoon classes: 11:32 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (M,T,W,F)
11:32 a.m. - 1:20 p.m. (Thursday, early release day)
All SP4K students are enrolled in a 5-day per week program and District attendance procedures are followed.
Why is the district offering classes in preschools/childcare centers?
This approach is known as the community-collaborative model and offers families a choice of settings for their children. Some parents need "wrap-around" care offered by a child care center/preschool, while others do not.
Parents will be provided with A Community Early Learning Program list of partners in the coming month and asked to rank their program preferences. Every effort will be made to accommodate preferences. However, SPASD reserves the right to place children based on seats available, transportation and students' individual needs.
Will transportation be provided?
Transportation will be provided following the existing SPASD guidelines. It will be available for the hours of the program, not for wrap-around or extended care. ​
We believe that through a collaborative effort with community childcare partners we can maximize learning opportunities for four-year-old children and their families to build a community of learners.
For more information about enrollment please visit https://www.sunprairieschools.org/sp4k/enroll.